Psychological Scientist Elected to Royal Irish Academy
APS Fellow J.A. Scott Kelso has been elected to the Royal Irish Academy, Ireland’s leading body of experts in sciences and humanities.
Dunnette Prize Open for Submissions
The Dunnette Prize, named after the late Marvin D. Dunnette, is given to honor living individuals whose work has significantly expanded knowledge of the casual significance of individual differences through advanced research, development, and/or application.
American Academy of Arts & Sciences Elects 9 Psychological Scientists Fellows
The American Academy of Arts & Sciences has elected APS Treasurer Roberta L. Klatzky, APS James McKeen Cattell Fellow J. Frank Yates, APS Fellow Mary C. “Molly” Potter, and several other psychological scientists as fellows
Radboud University Researchers Win First Memrise Prize
The online learning community Memrise, in collaboration with researchers at the University College London, announced a $10,000 prize to be awarded to the research team that developed the best system for quickly learning, and retaining, foreign language vocabulary words.
Development, Mental Illness, and Solutions to Stigma
APS James McKeen Cattell Fellow Stephen P. Hinshaw has dedicated his career to uncovering the biological and contextual underpinnings of developmental psychopathology — and to combatting the stigma associated with mental illness.
DeRubeis, Fiske, Wells Honored With Cattell Fellow Awards
APS is honoring leading researchers in the areas of stereotypes, eyewitness identification, and treatment of depression with the 2017 James McKeen Cattell Fellow Awards. Robert J. DeRubeis, APS Past President Susan T. Fiske, and Gary