2024 APS Annual Convention
This video package includes six recordings from APS 2024 and is available to APS members and convention registrants. This package is nontransferable and sharing the recordings is prohibited. View APS’s code of conduct for more information.
Keynote Address: Easier: Why Achieving Your Goals Starts with Shaping Your Situation
It is often said that you cannot control your circumstances, but, with effort, you can control how you react to them. In this Keynote presentation, Duckworth challenges this perspective.
Keynote Address: The i-frame and the s-frame: How Focusing on Individual-level Solutions has Led Behavioral Public Policy Astray
In his Keynote Address, Loewenstein explores the impact of such i-frame interventions and how they can reduce support for much-needed systemic reforms.
Inclusivity Spotlight: “Churn”: Life in a Diverse Society and How to Make it Work
The Inclusivity Spotlight features Claude Steele, who covers our ability to get along with each other under the weight of worrisome vigilance, across identity divides, in diverse settings.
2023 APS Annual Convention
This video package includes seven recordings from APS 2023. This package is nontransferable and sharing the recordings is prohibited. View APS’s code of conduct for more information.
Keynote Address: Causes and Consequences of Exploration Across Development
Catherine Alexandra Hartley presents studies of individuals navigating both laboratory tasks and real-world environments that highlight the tight coupling between novelty-seeking and affective states, and the differential effects of novelty and uncertainty on exploration across development.
Keynote Address: The Role of Caregiving in Children’s Experience of Early Adversity
This presentation provides a conceptual and empirical overview of how early adversity affects young children’s development. Jones Harden presents findings from research on young children who have experienced socioeconomic and psychological adversity, with an emphasis on children exposed to early trauma in the context of poverty.
Plenary Session: Aging Minds: Challenges and Opportunities
Smaller families and advances in the extension of health and life mean that there are fewer children and young people and many more elders than in the past, a demographic change that will only intensify in coming decades. What will the psychological consequences be?
ICPS 2023
This video package includes recordings of three Keynote Addresses and six Integrative Science Symposia from ICPS 2023. This package is nontransferable and sharing the recordings is prohibited. View APS’s code of conduct for more information.
Keynote Address: Integrating Knowledge in Psychological Science Using Ontologies
Susan Michie presents the “Behaviour Change Intervention Ontology,” which has the potential to dramatically enhance evidence integration and knowledge development using hybrid human-computer systems, thereby accelerating scientific advancements.
Keynote Address: The Human Quest for Fairness and Equality: Evolutionary Origins and Socio-Political Consequences
Ernst Fehr shows that individuals cluster around three global, fundamentally distinct, preference types characterized as altruistic, inequality averse, and predominantly selfish—with the selfish type typically comprising a minority of individuals.
Keynote Address: Blood, Sweat, and Tears: Human Social Chemosignaling in Health and Disease
Noam Sobel describes his findings on mechanisms of human chemosignaling in both health and disease. Based on these findings, he argues that, in contrast to common notions, humans are highly olfactory animals, and body-odors dominate our social behavior.