Development, Mental Illness, and Solutions to Stigma
APS James McKeen Cattell Fellow Stephen P. Hinshaw has dedicated his career to uncovering the biological and contextual underpinnings of developmental psychopathology — and to combatting the stigma associated with mental illness.
DeRubeis, Fiske, Wells Honored With Cattell Fellow Awards
APS is honoring leading researchers in the areas of stereotypes, eyewitness identification, and treatment of depression with the 2017 James McKeen Cattell Fellow Awards. Robert J. DeRubeis, APS Past President Susan T. Fiske, and Gary
SEP Gives Lifetime Achievement Awards to F. Gregory Ashby, Mary ’Molly’ Potter
The Society for Experimental Psychologists (SEP) has given honors to seven APS Fellows, including two who are recipients of lifetime achievement awards. APS Fellow F. Gregory Ashby has been awarded the 2017 Howard Crosby Warren
Beilock Receives National Academy of Sciences Troland Research Award
The National Academy of Sciences has announced that APS Fellow Sian L. Beilock is a recipient of the 2017 Troland Research Award. The $75,000 prize is awarded to young investigators in recognition of outstanding scientific
Markus, Schacter, Sternberg to Receive William James Fellow Award at APS Annual Convention
Hazel R. Markus (Stanford University), Daniel L. Schacter (Harvard University), and Robert J. Sternberg (Cornell University) will receive the APS William James Fellow Award — recognizing their lifetime of intellectual contributions to the basic science
Psychonomic Society Call for Nominations for 2017 Early Career Award
The Psychonomic Society Early Career Award annually honors the distinguished research accomplishments of our early career members and fellows. Each year, up to four awardees will be named. One nominee, whose research is closest to