How Social-Class Norms Impact Disparities in Education and Work
The social-class disparities prevalent in US institutions of higher education and professional workplaces are influenced by many factors, including access to resources, individual differences in skill, and cultural barriers. In an article published in Current
For Learning, Drawing a Picture May Really Be Worth a Thousand Words
Reading aloud or acting something out can help us remember new information, but those strategies may not always be practical or appropriate for the setting. When those strategies fall short, you might want to try
How Reflex Responses and Personality Play into the Bystander Effect
When asked about emergency situations, most people say they would spontaneously help another person. However, not everyone does so in real life, especially when there are other people around, a phenomenon known as the bystander
When Accommodating Children’s Symptoms Hurts Them More Than It Helps
Most families would do anything to minimize the distress of a child with a mental disorder. However, some strategies for dealing with these challenges may not always be beneficial in the long-run, suggests a recent
How to use stats to fight racial inequality, not support it
Using statistics to inform the public about racial disparities can backfire. Worse yet, it can cause some people to be more supportive of the policies that create those inequalities, according to new research. “One of
Science of Racism Examined in New Set of Research Articles
Psychological scientists describe research on the enduring and often hidden presence of racism at both the interpersonal and societal levels in the June issue of Current Directions in Psychological Science.