New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring a cross-domain model of inhibitory control and the course of adjustment disorder following job loss.
Dial P for Privacy: The Phone Booth Is Back
For much of the 20th century, the phone booth was a steadfast and essential installation of modern life, from bustling cities to tumbleweed-strewn desert gas stations. Tippi Hedren was attacked in one in “The Birds,”
Telecommuting Study Shows Benefits for Many Job Types, No Negative Effects
Teleworkers received higher job-performance ratings if the job was complex, required minimal interpersonal interaction, or if the worker received little social support at work.
Gaining Influence in Your Career
In the wildly popular musical Hamilton, by Lin-Manuel Miranda, one of the highlights is a number sung by Aaron Burr, titled “The Room Where It Happens.” In it, Burr bemoans the fact that Alexander Hamilton
Research suggests friends are how we survive work
What motivates you to come to work? At times it may be money, a sense of progress, or the opportunity to contribute to society. But when it’s a rainy Friday morning and we’re low on
The Hidden Costs of Sleep Deficits
Throughout modern history, the concept of a good night’s sleep has often been painted as almost an indulgence. Virginia Woolf referred to it as “that deplorable curtailment of the joy of life.” Vladimir Nabokov called