Illuminating Mechanisms of Repetitive Thinking
The ability to engage in mental time travel — to delve back into past events or imagine future outcomes — is a unique and central part of the human experience. And yet this very ability
How Tetris may reduce traumatic memories
Science Magazine: Playing the computer game Tetris may help reduce the frequency of traumatic flashbacks like the ones that plague sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder, Pacific Standard reports. In the study, participants viewed a 12-minute
Treating Trauma With ‘Tetris’
Pacific Standard: Memory reconsolidation—the method that involves re-exposing a patient to a past memory and then updating it while in this allegedly malleable state—has potentially major implications for people who suffer from PTSD flashbacks. But proposed
People Who Need People Have the Longest Lives
The Wall Street Journal: Personal independence is such an iconic American value today that few of us question it. In previous generations, retirees lived with family, but now that a large swath of older people
For a Longer Life, Get Social
The Wall Street Journal: Personal independence is such an iconic American value today that few of us question it. In previous generations, retirees lived with family, but now that a large swath of older people
Holding on to the Blues: Depressed Individuals May Fail to Decrease Sadness
Given that depression is characterized by intense and frequent negative feelings, like sadness, it might seem logical to develop interventions that target those negative feelings. But new research suggests that even when depressed people have