What Is a Constant Cycle of Violent News Doing to Us?
The New York Times: It has been a rough year. By now, our violence is down to a pattern, and there is a choreography to our reactions. A killer seeks out a nightclub, a church
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: A Safe Haven: Investigating Social-Support Figures as Prepared Safety Stimuli Erica A. Hornstein, Michael S. Fanselow, and Naomi I. Eisenberger Research has shown that fear learning occurs
How Collectivism Protects Against Contagious Fear
An outbreak of Ebola in the Republic of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone that began in 2014 made headlines around the world, as the number of individuals affected continued to climb. Ebola is a viral
Fear of Death Prompts Leaders to Look Towards the Future
Research suggests that reminding leaders of their own mortality may be one way to encourage them to make better, or at least less selfish, decisions.
The psychology and neuroscience of terrorism
CNN: Your brain on constant fear is not a pretty sight. What is supposed to be a lifesaving instinct becomes anchored in your body, flooding your system with corrosive hormones that can damage your health
Inside Out: Behind-the-Scenes Science With Dacher Keltner, PhD
Psi Chi: Six years ago, Pete Docter (the director of Pixar’s Monsters, Inc and Up) made a phone call to explain his ideas for a film about how emotions shape people’s interior lives and relationships