A Conversation With the Psychologist Behind ‘Inside Out’
Pacific Standard: Pixar has a proud tradition of taking things that are incapable of expressing human emotion—robots, toys, rats, cars—and imagining a world where they can, in fact, feel. The studio’s most recent effort, the
The Science of ‘Inside Out’
The New York Times: FIVE years ago, the writer and director Pete Docter of Pixar reached out to us to talk over an idea for a film, one that would portray how emotions work inside
Understanding stress and its signals
The Boston Globe: Lisa Feldman Barrett thinks we’ve long misunderstood how our brains work — and what’s going on when we’re stressed. For decades, scientists have assumed that the brain simply responded to signs from
APS Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions
APS recognizes six psychological scientists pushing the limits of their field with the 2015 APS Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions. This year’s award-winning research spans an exceptional breadth, encompassing topics such
LeDoux Recognized by APS for Fear, Anxiety Research
Joseph E. LeDoux, a 2015 recipient of the APS William James Fellow Award, will speak at the 27th APS Annual Convention in New York City, to be held May 21–24, 2015. LeDoux will speak about
Faith or Fear?
Scientists Study How the Threat of Divine Wrath Shapes Human Behavior