Anticipating Experience-Based Purchases More Enjoyable Than Material Ones
To get the most enjoyment out of our dollar, science tells us to focus our discretionary spending on trips over TVs, on concerts over clothing, since experiences tend to bring more enduring pleasure than do
Actually, Some Material Goods Can Make You Happy
The Atlantic: It’s been the refrain of behavioral economists and, in my case at least, my wise husband for years: Spend your money on experiences, not things. A vacation or a meal with friends will enrich
Wann Überfluss zum Kauf motiviert (When motivated abound to purchase)
ORF Austria: Wie groß die Produktbandbreite sein sollte, um Kunden zum Kauf zu motivieren, bestimmt hauptsächlich, wie gut sie über das Produkt Bescheid zu wissen glauben. Angebot kann Lust aufs Kaufen machen – oder davon
Knowledgeable Consumers Are More Likely to Buy When Given Fewer Options
The degree to which consumers perceive themselves to be knowledgeable about a product influences the likelihood that they will buy a particular product, researchers find in a series of studies published in Psychological Science, a
Hey, Impulse Spenders: Here’s a Solution to Your Bad Habit
TIME: A study recently published in Psychological Science shows that an attitude of gratitude tempers impulsive urges. In the study, participants had the option of receiving $54 now or $80 in a month. The researchers then induced
Seeing the Glass as Half Full: Taking a New Look at Cognition and Aging
From a cognitive perspective, aging is typically associated with decline. As we age, it may get harder to remember names and dates, and it may take us longer to come up with the right answer