Why daylight saving time can be bad for your health
Fox News: Daylight saving time is Sunday, and losing sleep after clocks “spring forward” an hour could be more than just an annoyance. This small time shift can significantly raise the risk of health-related issues.
How Does Sunshine Affect The Lottery?
NPR: Social science research examines how the mood of gamblers can change the way they think about risk. New Yorkers buy more lottery tickets when the weather is good and when their sports teams win
Quick Thinking and Feeling Healthy Predict Longer Life
Suffering from chronic medical conditions and engaging in unhealthy behaviors are known risk factors for early death, but findings from a longitudinal study of over 6,000 adults suggests that certain psychological factors may be even
Test Scores Drop as the School Day Drags on
Pacific Standard: You’ve probably noticed that it’s harder to think clearly after a long day of reading, writing, and arithmetic—in short, after a long day of thinking. For the most part, that’s not a particularly
How Psychology Explains the Tamir Rice Shooting
The Atlantic’s CityLab: On a Sunday in November 2014, a Cleveland man dialed 911 to report that a young black boy—“probably a juvenile”—was brandishing a gun around in the park near him. “It’s probably fake
The Supremely Old, Supremely Sharp, Supreme Court
The Atlantic: Justice Antonin Scalia, more than any other Supreme Court justice, set the parameters for the constitutional debates of this era. The sharpness of his mind and the rigor of his jurisprudence were regularly