Speaking a second language may change how you see the world
Science: Where did the thief go? You might get a more accurate answer if you ask the question in German. How did she get away? Now you might want to switch to English. Speakers of
The Smartest Age
The Atlantic: In their darkest moments, people occasionally say “my best years are behind me.” The problem is, people say this whether they’re 69 or 29. Ezekiel Emanuel, a doctor and bioethicist, believes he only
Older Really Can Mean Wiser
The New York Times: Behind all those canned compliments for older adults — spry! wily! wise! — is an appreciation for something that scientists have had a hard time characterizing: mental faculties that improve with
God Is My Co-Pilot
Slate: When it comes to taming destructive impulses, God may be your best bet. Just ask those who have turned their lives around through Alcoholics Anonymous. AA’s iconic 12 steps are unabashedly spiritual, directing members
Thinking of God Makes People Bolder Risk-Takers
Big Think: When people are reminded of God, they are more ready to engage in risky behavior, but not morally wrongful behavior. Isha Aran from Fusion reports on a recent study published in the journal
Older and wiser? Some brain functions improve as we age
The Boston Globe: There is hope for aging baby boomers. The ability to recall names and faces with lightning speed may start to fade in one’s 20s, but our capability to perform other functions, such