Student Notebook: Advice for Future Graduate Students
For psychology students who want to become clinicians or go into the academic realm of research and teaching, the next logical step is finding the ideal graduate program.
Advice for New Faculty
It’s your first faculty job. Now what do you do? A panel of three psychological scientists who have been there, done that offer some advice.
Welcome to the Real World: How Work Shapes Personality
The decision of whether to attend university or jump right into the working world is associated with significant differences in personality.
What Straight-A Students Get Wrong
A decade ago, at the end of my first semester teaching at Wharton, a student stopped by for office hours. He sat down and burst into tears. My mind started cycling through a list of
Professional Networking as a Graduate Student
Getting your name out into the academic world may seem most relevant for students approaching graduation, but it is never too early to begin the networking process.
Back Page: Collaborating With a Crowd
An early professional setback inspired University of Sussex researcher Raphael Silberzahn to develop an innovative crowd-sourced research project.