Student Notebook: Five Tips for Working With Your Committee
Doctoral student Beth Anne Hosek provides five tips for moving through graduate school and navigating the student-committee relationship.
Student Notebook: Making an Informed Decision About Identity Disclosure as a Graduate Instructor
Graduate student instructors have the right to choose if they want to disclose (or not disclose) their sexual orientation and gender identity in the classroom. However, some may not be aware of the potential benefits and costs of doing so.
Open Communication and Varied Career Opportunities for New PhDs
Opening up communication between students and advisors can lead to more honest and realistic career discussions, especially about nonacademic opportunities.
Making a Career Choice: Follow in Your Own Footsteps
In a guest column, APS Fellow Barbara Wanchisen shares observations and ideas on broadening career opportunities for psychological scientists.
Student Notebook: Finding Your Path in Psychological Science
Feeling unsure or overwhelmed as an early-career psychology student? Second-year graduate student Mariel Barnett shares advice to quell uncertainties.
Matching Psychology Training to Job Market Realities
APS President Wendy Wood discusses how graduate programs can change the habit of focusing on academic-career preparation.