Teaching Tips
How Should Students Study? Tips, Advice, and Pitfalls

It has happened to all of us in some form or another. A student comes to our office (or emails, calls, or texts) and says “I studied so hard for your exam and I still only got a __ (insert low grade here). What should I do?”
How should you respond? Is this the time to reveal all those secret, super-successful study techniques that you have kept carefully hidden from your students all these years? Well, most of us have no collection of such hidden gems, so we recite the litany of things we have heard work well. Even textbooks provide general prescriptions on how to study, and there are also a number of student study guides (e.g., Fry, 2004; Tamblin & Ward, 2006). But what really works best and, as important, what does not work well (even though you think it should)? We will try to answer these questions and more, providing a brief review of resources on studying techniques with recommendations you can pass on to students.
A large body of research has attempted to classify study techniques and to identify the techniques that are optimal (e.g., see Crede & Kuncel, 2008; Entwistle & McCune, 2004; Gurung & Schwartz, 2009; Hattie, 2009, for reviews). The good news is the reviews cited all show that study attitudes/habits/behaviors are related to academic performance. The bad news is that it is hard to pinpoint which specific strategy is the best. The short answer is “It depends.”
Study Behaviors: An Overview and Brief Measurement History
Measures of study behaviors, also called study skills, strategies, or techniques, can serve as diagnostic tools to help instructors identify students in need of additional help and can also provide a better awareness of a student’s strengths and weaknesses and, correspondingly, ways to optimize his or her learning. Study behaviors can be broadly defined as behaviors functioning to acquire, organize, synthesize, evaluate, remember, and use information (Crede & Kuncel, 2008; Gettinger & Seibert, 2002). Such behaviors include time management; goal setting; selecting what, how, and where to study; taking good notes; reading; and self-testing. Researchers have divided the many specific study behaviors into four main categories: repetition-based (e.g., flashcards), cognitive-based (e.g., studying with a friend), procedural (e.g., time management), and metacognitive (e.g., taking quizzes to test self-knowledge; for more details see Gettinger & Seibert, 2002; Tamblin & Ward, 2006).
Given the obvious link between studying and learning (as established by high exam scores and course grades), a large “self-help” market caters to students looking for tips. The style and empirical basis of the available material varies greatly. Many of the guides include discussions of topics such as multiple intelligences, learning styles, and time management, while providing step-by-step strategies on how to read better, take good notes, and remember and test better. Whereas some guides include some empirical evidence to support recommendations (e.g., Pauk & Owens, 2007; Tamblin & Ward, 2006), most do not. For example, Newport (2007) features tips based on interviews with students who achieved high grades in college. Many guides are targeted at the high school or first year college student (Fry, 2004).
In contrast to non-empirical, “self-help” style student guides to studying, a wealth of empirical research suggests that good study behaviors predict academic success (Crede & Kuncel, 2008; Hattie, 2009; Prevatt, Petscher, Proctor, Hurst, & Adams, 2006). But what exactly are “good study behaviors”? Early attempts to assess “good” study behaviors go back to Wrenn’s (1933) Study-Habits Inventory, the Student Skills Inventory (Locke, 1940), and the Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes (Brown & Holtzman, 1955). More recently, researchers have commonly used the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (Weinstein & Palmer, 2002), the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST, http://www.etl.tla.ed.ac.uk/questionnaires/ASSIST.pdf), or created their own scales (Gurung, Weidert, & Jeske, 2010). Unfortunately, many of these scales are long, extremely general, and furthermore do not afford clear prescriptions on how to advise students to study. Similarly, although large meta-analytical studies (Crede & Kuncel, 2008; Hattie, 2009) clearly establish the link between study behaviors and performance, they do not provide specific prescriptions of how exactly students should study. That said, the breadth of research provides some key suggestions that faculty can use to help students improve their study techniques.
Teaching Tips
1. Find Out How the Student Has Been Studying. Possible questions include:
Did you read the assigned chapters before the test? Did you read them before you came to class, after, or just before the exam? How much time did you devote to studying for the test? Did you read these chapters once, or more than once? (This question provides a chance to review the old Law of Frequency, and to describe how repetition influences memory formation and recall.)
2. Check Attendance and Note Taking Practices. Assuming that the student attends class regularly, you might ask the following: Do you take good notes? Do you review your notes after class to correct obvious errors? Do you compare your notes with those of other students? Where do you sit in the classroom? You may also want to look at the quality of the student’s notes and suggest changes (e.g., leaving more space, use of topic headings, writing down of examples used by the instructor).
3. Suggest Healthy Behaviors. Ask how much sleep the student gets, how much they got the night before the exam, and if they are getting any exercise and eating properly. (This might provide an opportunity to review the effects of sleep on memory formation.)
4. Recommend Tutoring. If tutors are available, encourage their use. If not, ask if the student has tried studying with other students.
5. Discuss Recognition Versus Knowing. Describe the difference between going over material enough that one can “recognize” the material as very familiar and prematurely conclude that it is known and understood, and really knowing and understanding it. (You might even mention Ebbinghaus and the benefits of overlearning, or work on the “curse of knowledge” showing that students often think they know the material if the material is right there in front of them.)
6. Urge Self-Assessment. One easy strategy is to give your students access to an established and free study behavior measure (e.g., ASSIST) and have them use it to get a sense of what they are not doing (Entwistle, 2009). The ASSIST provides a profile of scores on strategies and alerts students to possible problems in their existing ways of studying (available at http://www.etl.tla.ed.ac.uk/publications.html).
7. Discuss Winning Strategies. Hattie (2009) synthesized research from over 800 meta-analyses relating to educational achievement. He then derived the effect sizes for different interventions. Intervening to improve study behaviors was a significant factor with an effect size of .59. This meta-analysis and other works on study techniques (Gurung, 2004, 2005) show that the following specific strategies are empirically proven to work and hence useful to pass on to students:
- Schedule daily studying and homework time
- Make lists of things to accomplish during studying
- Put off pleasurable events until work is completed
- Read the textbook (!!)
- Review the class textbook/assignments before going to class
- Create mnemonics and vivid mental images to aid learning
- Memorize the material through repetition
- Generate examples to apply the material
- Record information relating to study tasks (e.g., keeping a study log)
- Self-verbalize the steps to complete a given task
- Use chapter review questions to self test
- Use a study partner
- Review the items missed on the exam, including items guessed at
- Make an outline before writing a paper
- Check work before handing in an assignment
8. Advise Students on what NOT to do. Previous research suggests that students take some “dangerous detours”: study techniques that may not be beneficial involving more study time at the expense of other techniques (Gurung, 2004, p. 164). Sadly, such detours could represent behaviors used by academically weaker students. Whereas the academically stronger students may not take time on behaviors such as going over chapters right after a lecture in lieu of doing so right before an exam, the weaker students may go over the chapters at both times. In support of this point, Landrum, Turrisi, and Brandel (2006) found that A and B students tended to increase their frequency of studying as the semester progressed, but they decreased the actual time spent studying per study event (p. 681). (Another testimony to the benefits of distributed vs. massed practice.) Students who are doing poorly may try to improve by doing more of the unsuccessful types of studying they have been doing, rather than trying other techniques. Key behaviors students should avoid are:
- Spending too much time on key terms or summaries to the extent of paying less attention to other pedagogical aids (e.g., review questions)
- Highlighting too much text (i.e., not knowing what the important information really is), thus increasing study load
- Using chapter review questions (and their answers) as more content to study versus using them to test their own knowledge
- “Studying with a friend” where this does not involve testing each other, taking review questions, creating examples, or reviewing notes
- Listening to music, watching television, text messaging, or surfing the Internet while studying
9. Assess Your Own Students’ Study Behaviors. Correlate the behaviors with exam scores and identify what behaviors are associated with better scores. Share this with the students to help them modify their study behavior. For example the first author created a 35-item Study Behavior Checklist based on previous research and student interviews (Gurung et al., in press). The items assessed students’ organizational behaviors (e.g., writing down when exams, assignments, and quizzes are due, setting up a study schedule), application behaviors (e.g., creating questions about the material), elaboration behaviors (e.g., paraphrasing the material, explaining it to another person), metacognitive behaviors (e.g., using the book and/or Web site for quizzes), and resource use behaviors (e.g., asking a fellow classmate to explain the material) on a scale ranging from 1 (Not at all like me) to 5 (Exactly like me). Higher exam scores were associated with:
- Attending class, r(114) = .23, p < .05
- Answering all questions on the study guide, r(114) = .23, p < .05.
- Using practice exams to study, r(114) = .24, p < .05.
- Ability to explain problems using the material, r(114) = .28, p < .01.
10. Do not expect a silver bullet. It is important to bear in mind that there are no strategies that work all of the time, for all students, in all classes. Different exams call for different strategies. It is possible that introductory psychology multiple choice exams require only basic study behaviors, whereas an upper-level essay exam will need different behaviors.
In general, instructors need to be cognizant of how much of the advice they give to students is empirically proven to work in an actual classroom rather than a controlled cognitive psychology laboratory study. Asking students to complete a study skill inventory after the first exam may provide instructors with a starting point to discussing study behaviors with students. Taking some class time to discuss the variety of study techniques, and then detailing what exactly is involved in each method, may be critical to helping students do better. We hope these suggestions prove helpful when the next student asks you how to study for your exams and that their performance improves as a result of your advice.
Brown, W. F., & Holtzman, W. H. (1955). A study-attitudes questionnaire for predicting academic success.
Journal of Educational Psychology, 46, 75–84.
Crede, M., & Kuncel, N. R. (2008). Study habits, skills, and attitudes: The third pillar supporting collegiate
academic performance. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3, 425–454.
Entwistle, N. (2009). Teaching for understanding at university: Deep approaches and distinctive ways of thinking.
London, England: Palgrave Macmillan.
Entwistle, N., & McCune, V. (2004). The conceptual bases of study strategy inventories. Educational
Psychology Review, 16, 325–345.
Fry, R. (2004). How to study (6th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Thompson Delmar Learning.
Gettinger, M., & Seibert, J. K. (2002). Contributions of study techniques to academic competence. School
Psychology Review, 31, 350–365.
Gurung, R. A. R. (2004). Pedagogical aids: Learning enhancers or dangerous detours? Teaching of Psychology,
31, 164–166.
Gurung, R. A. R. (2005). How do students really study (and does it matter)? Teaching of Psychology, 32,
Gurung, R. A. R., & Schwartz, E. (2009). Optimizing teaching and learning: Pedagogical research in practice.
Malden, MA:Blackwell.
Gurung, R. A. R., Weidert, J., & Jeske, A. S. (2010). A closer look at how students study (and if it matters).
Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 10, 28-33.
Hattie, J. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement.
London, England: Routledge.
Landrum, R. E., Turrisi, R., & Brandel, J. M. (2006). College students’ study time, course level, time of
semester, and grade earned. Psychological Reports, 98, 675–682.
Locke, N. M. (1940). The Student Skills Inventory: A study habits test. Journal of Applied Psychology, 24,
Newport, C. (2007). How to become a straight-A student: The unconventional strategies real college students
use to score high while studying less. New York: Broadway Books.
Pauk, W., & Owens, R. J. Q. (2007). How to study in college (9th ed.). San Francisco: Wadsworth.
Prevatt, F., Petscher, Y., Proctor, B. E., Hurst, A., & Adams, K. (2006). The revised Learning and Study
Strategies Inventory: An evaluation of competing models. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 66,
Tamblin, L., & Ward, P. (2006). The smart study guide: Psychological techniques for student success. Malden,
MA: Blackwell.
Weinstein, C. E., & Palmer, D. R. (2002). Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI): User’s manual (2nd
ed.). Clearwater, FL: H & H.
Wren, C. G. (1933). Study-habits inventory. Oxford, England: Stanford University Press.
The best way of studying is to read loud with the help of finger. in order to memorize books faster,you have to point your finger at the words of a paragraph of a book and slowly read.Needles to say as it lies in the English proverb”Slow and steady wins the race”.The more you read slowly and steady
with the help of finger the more you remember.
Build up the habit of group-study. It boosts learning process as so many are engaged in a particular piece of work, knowing its subject matter, thematic concerns, technical approximities and pin pointed meanings. Group-study inculcates a zeal for complete study and fulfilled knowledge.
Build up the habit of group-study. It boosts learning process as so many are engaged in a particular piece of work, knowing its subject matter, thematic concerns, technical approximities and pin pointed meanings. Group-study inculcates a zeal for complete study and fulfilled knowledge.
Set goals for yourself and before going down to books take some 5min to look at them and they will give you the moral to chop harder.
do your work on daily basis by keeping your aim in your mind and following this maxim great spirits never wiln their bodies die
Good helpful
Teachers should interact among the students with love and friendly.They should try to give individual attention to each students.
great tips
really required for the teachers….
Make a time table, and follow up it properly. Take a small paper and note main points and sub points which you studied early. Wherever you go, keep the paper with u and try to read. This idea helps you to recollect everything. Give more important for tough subjects and devote more time for them. NOTE, “hard working is the only solution to win.”
Remember to draw up a study timetable early and always try to spend more time on the topics that seem to be hard for you.
If we learn loud and pratice in writing it helps to learn fast and easy way.
Aw, this was a really nice post. Finding the time and actual effort to generate a great article… but what can I say… I procrastinate a whole lot and never seem to get nearly anything done.
self study is the better solution for good under standing
Dear All,
I think that’s great tips for teaching.the main point is that for study everything must be in time.
Timetable should be discussed.
finally, I agree with M.Asima Rather
great tips
I dont memorize the answers if i will then i forgot…
what to do now?
Gr8 tips… gv more time 2 slf study as much as possible
Great tip…..I think dis Will also help me ..thanks a lot
thank you 4 such a great adivice to give us and nice tips
Thank you for such advice and nice tips.
study your notes daily. try to make good notes while teacher teaches and review them at home to enhance. your memory
we all know that.. hardwork is a great key of success
Don’t only study hard but also smart and pray for ur studies.
SMART study + HARDWORK = SUCCESS(InshaAllah)
I hope it’s going to as I will be writing my exams.
Thanks for the tips.
But a cannot get one of the references mentioned above.
Missing word is “help me” between to and as
Sorry for that.
Great tips. This we help me a lot God bless u all
brainy tips
These tips about studying is really going to help me a lot with taking test from now on. I used to try doing several things at once especially with my children and I found that it was not working and I had to try other things. I think you really have to know the best way you learn and find that great way to study for yourself.
These r great tips
Memorising what we’ve studied b4 going 2 bed will keep in our mind 4ever
Tnk u all!
This are great tips indeed thanks for the help indeed,i have gained something i didn’t know of about notes.This helped me a lot.
The piece is very good. Thanks for making it available.
i m very happy with the tips..so helpful
I also agree that one of the best ways to get a student to study better is to urge self-assessment. Although this doesn’t work for everyone, it worked for me when I was in high school. My parents would tell me not to study hard and pass tests for them, but for myself. This tactic worked very well and I began studying without the encouragement of my parents.
I completely agree with this because in the early years of education is very important attitude tutors to students. Tips, help, support lecturer helped me become more confident in myself when I was in college. My words are fully confirms this article http://www.education.com/reference/article/teachers-expectations-affect-learning/ which revealed the topic of influence teachers on student learning.
Of course it all depends on the particular lecturer, his personal relationship to the student. And the students are divided into two groups – those who are waiting for help, advice and those who are building our future. I belong to the second group, when the time came to write Thesis, I did not ask and began to look for information on the Internet about thesis writing and found http://www.psychologicalscience.org/index.php/publications/observer/2011/april-11/how-should-students-study-tips-advice-and-pitfalls.html . But at the same time any, even the most clever and strong student needs support that has to do lecturer.
Its very good post for all the students. and i think regular study is most important. By regular study we can decrease our burden or study. This post will help many student who are suffering from this problem.
Of* students*
It is very important tips.i liked this and i agree with you.Thanks for the tips.
Wow wonderful & much inspiring thank you!!
I was unaware of the difference between recognition and knowledge, and I think that is very interesting! There are lots of things we ask our students to know. For example, to know this definition or this equation; however, there are many things that they can simply recognize instead. I am excited to look over my curriculum and to find things that students simply need to recognize, and then point that out to them. Thanks for the advice!
how to study in college is my first year and Im very disoriented about my class that we use the book name PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE please I need real tips how to study this book thanks everyone
i think taking a home teacher will be the best solution for children to be more brilliant
I strongly agreed with the above study tips.
Having a good study strategy is key. I recommend stepping away from the material and coming back to it to see if you retain any of the information you studied. Get rest! If you are tired, it’s harder for you to retain information. It’s harder for you to focused. Get a study partner that in smarter than you or one that work just as hard as you. Try to avoid lazy, talkative people.
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