Political beliefs rooted in childhood, study shows
Detroit Free Press: A person’s temperament in childhood and the type of parenting they received have a major effect on their political beliefs, according to a new study. Children with authoritarian parents were more likely
Pounds of Personality
The Huffington Post: It’s November, which means that Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching — and with it the season of temptation. Beginning with the giblet gravy and ending with the New Year’s Eve champagne toast, the
Obama, Romney debate: Mom and Dad settle whom you support
Toronto Star: The way you were brought up could determine whether you were rooting for Romney or Obama last night. An analysis of the parenting styles and political attitudes of 1,364 U.S. families found that
Pounds of Personality
It’s November, which means that Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching—and with it the season of temptation. Beginning with the giblet gravy and ending with the New Year’s Eve champagne toast, the weeks ahead will add a
Parenting style may shape political views of offspring
Asian News International: A new study has linked parenting practices and temperament in childhood to later political ideology. Existing research suggests that individuals whose parents espoused authoritarian attitudes toward parenting (e.g., valuing obedience to authority)
Are you liberal or conservative? Your parents may be to blame
The Globe and Mail: During Monday night’s U.S. presidential debate, Democrat and Republican operatives were no doubt glued to graphs monitoring approval ratings for various key demographics, trying to figure out if President Barack Obama