Study: Tweens aim for fame above all else
CNN: What do tweens value most? If you are thinking honesty or self-acceptance think again. What they value above everything else, according to a new study from the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA)
Don’t Blame Facebook for the Narcissism Epidemic
Discovery News: Social media-minded millennials are the most narcissistic generation on record, but recent psychological research indicates that Facebook isn’t to blame for that image obsession. Despite multiple media reports to the contrary, Facebook and
The best Porsche 911? The Carrera GTS, of course
The Globe and Mail: In a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, researchers found that people confronted with a large number of choices (like those offered at a typical big box
What Makes You Happy? It May Depend on Your Age
LiveScience: People’s happiness levels change with age, an idea reflected in personal experiences and public opinion polls, but a new study shows that much of that change may boil down to how people define happiness
Research: The Emotions of Aid
Stanford Social Innovation Review: “One death is a tragedy; 1 million is a statistic,” Joseph Stalin is supposed to have said. The more people we see suffering, the less we care. It’s an unfortunate quirk
Les aliments gras remonteraient le moral, indépendamment de leur goût
Metro France: Une étude belge, publiée cette semaine dans le Journal of Clinical Investigation, renseigne sur les envies d’aliments gras que peuvent éprouver les personnes ayant le morale en berne. Surprise : elles n’auraient rien