Your choice of mate can make or break your career
Fortune: The most successful people in one study all went home at night to partners who exhibit a particular personality type: conscientiousness. “Your husband, wife, or sweetheart probably doesn’t come to work with you every day,”
Are Workplace Personality Tests Fair?
The Wall Street Journal: Workers who apply online at RadioShack Corp. must say if they agree with the statement: “Over the course of the day, I can experience many mood changes.” Lowe’s Cos. asks job seekers if they “believe that
Are You Really an Introvert? Extrovert?
The Huffington Post: It is very hip to label yourself an introvert. Part of this is due to the well-researched, profound, well-written treatise by Susan Cain, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t
Sense of Humor Changes With Age
The Atlantic: There’s an episode in the first season of The Office in which Michael Scott, the tactless boss, is asking his female employees to serve as cheerleaders for an upcoming company basketball game. When the heavyset Phyllis says
Perspectives Launches ‘Forward Thinking’ Section
Research, in the early stages, is a generative process; results can be conflicting, messy, and difficult to interpret, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t thought provoking and worthy of being shared. The editors of Perspectives
Individual Variation in Resisting Temptation: Implications for Addiction
At the 2014 APS Annual Convention, APS William James Fellow Terry Robinson discussed how cues associated with rewards, such as food or drugs, can acquire considerable control over motivated behavior, leading to excessive consumption.