Books to Check Out: April 2015
To submit a new book, email [email protected]. The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Mindfulness edited by Amanda Ie, Christelle T. Ngnoumen, and Ellen J. Langer; Wiley–Blackwell, April 2014. Psychology Gone Wrong: The Dark Sides of Science
Feigenson, Niv Receive NAS Troland Award
Lisa Feigenson and Yael Niv have been named the 2015 recipients of the Troland Research Awards, two $75,000 prizes given each year by the National Academy of Sciences to recognize young investigators for extraordinary achievement
Unifying Psychology as a Physical Science
25 Throughout 2015, the Observer is commemorating the silver anniversary of APS’s flagship journal. Among the reports in the first issue of Psychological Science, released in January 1990, was an article titled “Mother Nature’s Bag
Michael Gazzaniga: Tales from Both Sides of the Brain
NPR’s Science Friday: The two hemispheres of our brain specialize in different jobs—the right side processes spatial and temporal information, and the left side controls speech and language. How do these two sides come together
Brains Make Decisions the Way Alan Turing Cracked Codes
Smithsonian Magazine: Despite the events depicted in The Imitation Game, Alan Turing did not invent the machine that cracked Germany’s codes during World War II—Poland did. But the brilliant mathematician did invent something never mentioned
Are Corporations People, Too? Your Brain Seems to Process Them That Way
According to rulings from the U.S. Supreme Court, corporations are people, at least when it comes to certain legal rights such as free speech. While corporations may be people in the eyes of the law