Undergraduates’ Thoughts About Creative Success: Anecdotes From a Creativity Seminar
What do undergraduates think about how creative ability develops? It seems like a simple question, but it led to a sea change in my own scientific outlook. It also embodies an important example of the
Loneliness narrows the uncanny valley
CNET: Talking to inanimate objects when you’re feeling lonely may not be so strange after all. According to new research conducted by a team at Darmouth College in the UK and Harvard University in the
How to Motivate Students to Work Harder
The Atlantic: Over the past five years, more than $200 million has gone toward launching the new Common Core standards, with the goal of closing achievement gaps in public schools. But for all their meticulous
Better Self-Control May Pay Off for Older Workers
A recent study finds that older workers may have an advantage over their more youthful colleagues when it comes to one key skill—self-control. Psychological scientists Markus M. Thielgen and Guido Hertel of University of Münster
Dating and Romance: The Problem With Kindness
The Huffington Post: Here’s a simple and sad fact: A lot of people who are married, or in long-term relationships, are not very compatible. Partners disagree about very basic stuff, like religion and politics and
Faces Are More Likely to Seem Alive When We Want to Feel Connected
Feeling socially disconnected may lead us to lower our threshold for determining that another being is animate or alive, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.