Positive Emotions, Good Health Have Strong Link In Developing Countries, Study Finds
The Huffington Post: Is the concept of emotions having an effect on health a “First World” problem? According to a new study, no, it is not — and in fact, the association may be even
Improving the Health of All Americans
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Health & Society Scholars (HSS) program is designed to build the nation’s capacity for research, leadership, and policy change in health. The program seeks to improve the nation’s health
MCAT Revision Anticipates Psychological Science
Two years from now, in the spring of 2015, a new Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) will be released. This will be the fifth time the MCAT has undergone a major revision since it was
Wolfgang Gaissmaier
Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Harding Center for Risk Literacy, Germany www.mpib-berlin.mpg.de/en/staff/wolfgang-gaissmaier What does your research focus on? Broadly speaking, I study how people make decisions under risk and uncertainty. How do people perceive
Andres De Los Reyes
University of Maryland College Park https://sites.google.com/site/caipumaryland/Home/people/director What does your research focus on? When assessing patients for mental health concerns, clinicians and researchers often have to take information from multiple sources or informants to make health
Can Our Beliefs About Exercise Make Us Fat?
The Huffington Post: Everyone is an expert when it comes to weight and weight control, and I’m no exception. I am what’s known as an “exercise theorist.” That is, I ascribe to the lay theory