Are rich people more likely to lie, cheat, steal? Science explains the world of Manafort and Gates.
What is about money that makes people do bad things? It seems a fair question when the news is dominated by misdeeds of the rich and powerful. The Paul Manafort trial, now entering its third
People Aren’t As Morally Superior As They Think They Are
It’s a famous thought experiment, popular at a certain kind of dinner party: “The Trolley Problem.” Let’s say you were given the job of operating the lever to a pair of train tracks on which
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring self-dehumanization and moral behavior, reading skills in children at risk of dyslexia, and prosocial predictions by bottlenose dolphins.
Does the Trolley Problem Have a Problem?
Picture the following situation: You are taking a freshman-level philosophy class in college, and your professor has just asked you to imagine a runaway trolley barreling down a track toward a group of five people.
Cambridge Analytica Scandal Casts Spotlight on Psychographics
A political data firm’s use of Facebook data for targeted messaging reveals the exploitation of psychometric data that some psychological scientists have warned about.
Polluted Air May Pollute Our Morality
Data from archival and experimental studies indicate that exposure to air pollution, either physically or mentally, is linked with unethical behavior such as crime and cheating.