Steven Pinker: The Elephant, the Emperor, and the Matzo Ball
William James Fellow Award Address recorded May 2016 in Chicago at the 28th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science.
Infants Learn Better When Listening to Human Speech—or Lemurs
Pacific Standard: Babies are born knowing very little about the world or what to pay attention to—they’re not blank slates, but they’re not exactly full ones either. A good example is faces: When they’re just
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Searching for Category-Consistent Features: A Computational Approach to Understanding Visual Category Representation Chen-Ping Yu, Justin T. Maxfield, and Gregory J. Zelinsky Categories provide a fundamental structural framework
How To Teach Children That Failure Is The Secret To Success
NPR: Is failure a positive opportunity to learn and grow, or is it a negative experience that hinders success? How parents answer that question has a big influence on how much children think they can
Breaking Free From Bad Behaviors
Many people try their best to eat healthy and exercise regularly. Others strive to be good environmental stewards, cutting down their usage of electricity and water. And still others intend to treat everyone fairly, regardless
Albert Bandura Receives National Medal of Science
President Obama presented eminent psychological scientist Albert Bandura with the National Medal of Science in a ceremony held at the White House on May 19, 2016. Awarded annually by a committee of presidential appointees, the