Trouble Achieving Goals? Why Your Brain Needs Reminders.
Many of us set goals, but sometimes we fail to achieve them. There is a way, though, to increase our chances of hitting our goals: Set reminders. “It’s quite hard to achieve our goals,” said Sam
Bringing Greater Rigor to Behavior-Change Research: NIH Best Practices
In a workshop at the 2023 APS Annual Convention, researchers from the Science of Behavior Change Research Network discussed the importance of adopting a framework that seeks to better understand and respond to the underlying mechanisms driving forms of behavior change.
Want to Make a Change? Conjure Your ‘Possible Selves.’
Years ago, as a young business reporter, I interviewed an advertising executive who ran a fast-food chain account. I was there to ask about the latest campaign. But when I sat down, he wanted to talk
Personality Can Change From One Hour to the Next
Psychologists use personality traits such as extroversion, neuroticism or anxiety as a means of characterizing typical patterns of thought, emotion and behavior that differ from one person to the next. From this perspective, the constituents of personality
Why Is It So Hard to Resist Temptation?
Why are people so inconsistent? Is there such a thing as character? And did Stephen once have the world’s longest chain of gum wrappers? …
Want to Learn From Your Mistakes and Be More Successful? Science Says Avoid the Dreaded Ostrich Effect
I owned Blue Apron stock a few years ago. I’m unsure, but I think I purchased it at around $20 per share. (You’ll see why I’m unsure in a moment.) Since I owned it in