What makes someone an angry drunk?
msnbc: There are weepy drinkers, inappropriately affectionate drinkers, giggly and goofy drinkers. But there’s one type of reveler you really want to avoid: the angry drinker. New research suggests how to spot one. Impulsive, live-in-the-moment types
Fatherhood can be the birth of positive change
Los Angeles Times: Ten tiny fingers and 10 tiny toes may be enough to change men’s lives in ways they never thought possible. A recent study found that some men dropped their delinquent ways when
In praise of healthy sins
Calgary Herald: Everything in moderation. I think of those words as my mother’s buzz phrase. After decades of scare stories about the dangers of red meat, alcohol and sexually transmitted diseases, it’s a wonder anyone
A Sign That Doctors Care More for Their Patients Than Themselves?
The Atlantic: Here’s proof that doctors care more about their patients’ safety than their own. A study has found that doctors tended to ignore signs asking them to wash their hands for the sake of
‘Redirect’ by Timothy D. Wilson and ‘Who’s in charge?’ by Michael S. Gazzaniga
The Boston Globe: Common sense has a lot to say about human behavior and the human brain. Recent empirical research, though, strongly suggests that a good deal of what it has to say is wrong.
Can you catch stress?
AOL UK: Are you surrounded by stressed-out colleagues complaining about their jobs, or friends whining about their boyfriends? Then watch out, because their stress and anxiety is as contagious as a common cold. That’s the