American Academy of Arts and Sciences Elects APS Leaders as Members
Several APS leaders, including APS Past President Robert W. Levenson, APS Past Board Member Lisa Feldman Barrett, and Current Directions in Psychological Science Editor Randall W. Engle, have been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Leaders in Applied Research
The APS James McKeen Cattell Award honors psychological scientists for their lifetime of significant achievements in applied psychological research and their impact on critical problems and challenges in society at large.
2018 APS Janet Taylor Spence Awards for Transformative Early Career Contributions
APS honors six early-career scientists whose research areas include goal-pursuit cooperation, environmental effects on behavior, and more.
Baruch Fischhoff Awarded Carnegie Fellowship
The APS Fellow will devote his fellowship to the production of a book drawing on his work in decision science.
American Academy of Arts and Sciences Elects APS Leaders as Members
Several APS leaders, including APS Past President Robert W. Levenson, APS Past Board Member Lisa Feldman Barrett, and Current Directions in Psychological Science Editor Randall W. Engle, have been elected to the American Academy of Arts and
Bouchard Receives Dunnette Prize for Study of Individual Difference
APS Fellow Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr., professor emeritus of psychology and Director of the Minnesota Center for Twin and Adoption Research at the University of Minnesota, has been awarded the Dunnette Prize for the Study