Articles Containing “JOHN DARLEY” — 32 result(s)

By Jeremy Ashton Houska The process of waiting for responses from search chairs and preparing for interviews can be both an exciting and stressful time for academic job applicants. While the prospect of finally “growing

The APS William James Fellow Award honors APS Members for their lifetime of significant intellectual contributions to the basic science of psychology. Recipients must be APS members recognized internationally for their outstanding contributions to scientific

These days, the term “credit crisis” invokes thoughts of Wall Street and financial debt. But in the scientific enterprise, structural changes are affecting core issues of intellectual credit and indebtedness as well as taking responsibility

Book Review: From Professing to Publishing, Department Politics to Getting Grants, The Compleat Academic Is There The Compleat Academic: A Career Guide Second Edition Edited by John M. Darley, Mark P. Zanna, and Henry L.