Unconventional Data Sources Fuel Research Innovations
Researchers are finding new benefits and reserves of participants by accessing data from unconventional sources, such as market-research panels, administrative systems, and GPS data. These sources can provide much larger and more diverse information than many traditional data sources, but they also come with caveats and ethical standards to be used effectively.
How Wearable Device Data Can Fuel Digital Interventions
Researchers are using data from wearable devices to deliver digital interventions when people need them most.
Creating a Global ‘BRIDGE’ for Brain Research Data
The Brain Research International Data Governance & Exchange (BRIDGE) project aims to create a responsible and sustainable governance system for data sharing. Learn how the group is advancing open practices, reproducibility, and psychological science as a whole.
Practical Protections
In the era of open science, researchers encounter the challenges of preserving participant privacy when sharing data from qualitative interviews. Learn how you can balance transparency and confidentiality.
New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on parental burnout, motivated egalitarianism, the philosophy of perception in the psychologist’s laboratory, facing the unknowns in data analysis, and much more.
New Content From Perspectives on Psychological Science
A sample of articles on climate change and substance-use behaviors, using reality checks to assess heterogeneity, using an ethics and social-justice approach to collecting and using demographic data, and much more.