Articles Containing “gender stereotypes” — 200 result(s)

2011 Student Research AwardRecipients The Student Research Award promotes and acknowledges outstanding research conducted by student members of APS. Longitudinal Impacts of 3-D Spatial Training Among Gifted Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics UndergraduatesDavid I. Miller University

The mentally ill don’t get a fair shake in this country. Many employers don’t want to hire them, and health insurers don’t want to pay for their treatment. Even within their own communities and families

Psychological scientists are faced with the arduous task of identifying distinctions between humans without stigmatizing groups of people based on these differences. In this special section of Perspectives on Psychological Science, experts present reasons for

Scientific American: Over a decade ago, I devised a test for detecting attitudes and biases operating below the level of a person’s awareness. Known as the Implicit Association Test, or IAT, it is presently the