Workplace Support Helps Parents Make More Time for Their Kids
Between juggling responsibilities at home and the office, working parents often report feeling stressed over conflicting demands on their time. Employees who were part of a new study on reducing work-family conflict reported spending significantly
Working While Sick May Be Bad for Business
Being sick is bad enough, but coming into work while under the weather can be miserable. This week President Obama proposed a plan to provide millions of US workers the chance to earn up to
Attitudes About Who Brings Home the Bacon Lag Behind Economic Reality
A team of psychological scientists hypothesized that people’s deep-rooted beliefs about gender roles may be slower to change than the major behavioral shifts evidenced within society and the workforce.
Why Men May Not Try To ‘Have It All’ The Same Way Women Do
The Huffington Post: It was 1971, and Johns Hopkins University psychology professor Julian Stanley wanted to answer one very big question: How can we set up highly intelligent kids to become highly successful adults? To
It Literally Pays to Have a Reliable Spouse
New York Magazine: Conscientiousness is not really up there among the sexiest qualities a person can have, but maybe it should be. New research in Psychological Science found that people who have careful, reliable partners tend to do better
A Leader’s Stress at Home Can Become Contagious in the Office
It makes sense that a family argument at the breakfast table could sour someone’s mood in the office, impacting their performance at work. But new research suggests that, for supervisors, experiences at home don’t just