Can scientists ‘solve’ stress? They’re trying.
As modern-day stress ratchets up to what feels like unbearable levels, researchers are striving to learn more about the precise mechanisms through which it affects our body and mind. The hope is that by unlocking
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on cognitive inhibition in trauma recovery among asylum seekers, stress accumulation and sleep problems among Black Americans, parent and child depressive symptoms, and much more.
Stressed Out? It Might Not Just Be In Your Head. How Your Muscles Affect Your Mood
A lot of us associate our neck and back pain with spending hours hunched over our devices. We also know that good posture and core strength can help prevent those aches and pains. But researchers
4 Ways to Instantly Relieve Stress Before a Job Interview
No matter how confident you are, certain situations will likely make you nervous, and a job interview falls firmly into that category. Even if you know you’re qualified, answering questions about yourself can feel intimidating.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on statistical learning within objects, the effects of acute stress on learning and decision-making, aging-associated declines in cognition, reconsidering belief in contradictory conspiracy theories, and much more.
Combating the ‘Microstress’ That Causes Burnout
Have you had days that exhaust you extraordinarily without any particular reason why? There’s no traumatic event or unpleasant encounter that stands out, no urgent work deadline or health issue weighing on you, nothing hovering