How to Recognize Burnout Before You’re Burned Out
The New York Times: Emma Seppala was working as an intern at The International Herald Tribune (the past iteration of The International New York Times) one summer in college in Paris, shuttling between the newsroom
CRFP Alumni in Their Own Words
Elizabeth Salmon is a postdoctoral Consortium Research Fellow working in the Personnel Assessment Research Unit (PARU) within the US Army Research Institute at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia. PARU researchers focus on developing and evaluating assignment measures
When Is Speech Violence?
The New York Times: Imagine that a bully threatens to punch you in the face. A week later, he walks up to you and breaks your nose with his fist. Which is more harmful: the
Fear Factors: Panel Examines Fear Research at Individual and Societal Levels
Scientists discuss how individuals and societies are affected when they view the world through the lens of fear characteristic of the news today.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring links between pupillary response and depression following trauma, predictors of postdeployment functioning among combat veterans, the developmental course of borderline personality disorder, and reasoning among delusion-prone individuals.
Claude M. Steele Named Fellow of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
APS Past Board Member Claude M. Steele was elected as the 2017 Gordon Allport Fellow of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, in recognition of his work on stereotype threat, its application to minority student academic performance, and more.