Don’t Surround Yourself With Admirers
When you’re admired and well known, “people are always nice to you,” the actor Robert De Niro once confessed to Esquire magazine. “You’re in a conversation, and everybody’s agreeing with what you’re saying.” Sounds great!
Outnumbered: People Overestimate the Presence of Symbolically Threatening Groups
People commonly exaggerate the presence of certain groups simply because they are perceived as ideologically different.
Group Think
How do the groups you identify with shape your sense of self? Do they influence the beer you buy? The way you vote? Psychologist Jay Van Bavel says our group loyalties affect us more than
Artificial Intelligence Is Misreading Human Emotion
At a remote outpost in the mountainous highlands of Papua New Guinea, a young American psychologist named Paul Ekman arrived with a collection of flash cards and a new theory. It was 1967, and Ekman had
The Surprising Benefits of Talking to Strangers
Imagine you die. You wake up in a world only made up of people you remember. “All your old lovers. Your boss, your grandmothers, and the waitress who served your food each day at lunch…
Apparently There Are 4 Kinds of Introversion
It’s hard to believe now, but introversion was once a mostly misunderstood personality trait. Now, it’s the subject of countless books and articles and listicles (and, more recently, parodies of listicles). And as more regular