Strangers Can Detect Social Class in Just Seven Words
New research shows that a person’s social class is communicated in very brief interactions and maybe even in a few words.
Supreme Court Ruling on Gay Marriage Changed Perception of Norms, Despite Stable Personal Beliefs
Research conducted around the US Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage offers insight into how people’s views change when the government takes sides on an issue.
Measuring Our Changing First Impressions
People make rapid judgments about the characteristics of others based on their facial expressions. Although these first impressions may seem superficial, they have been found to predict legal, political, and financial outcomes. Research suggests that
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring the role of meaning in semantic priming, the two-body inversion effect, and abstract-concept learning in several animal species.
To Understand Others’ Minds, ‘Being’ Them Beats Reading Them
We may believe we can tell what others are experiencing by observing them – but new research shows we’d get a much better idea if we put ourselves in their shoes instead.
We Read Emotions Based on How the Eye Sees
We use others’ eyes – whether they’re widened or narrowed – to infer emotional states, and the inferences we make align with the optical function of those expressions.