Everyone Agrees: CEOs Should Be Paid Less
Pacific Standard: The longest lasting impact of the Occupy movement might just be the conflict between the “99 Percent” and the “One Percent”—the term that has come to symbolize the vast wealth inequality that exists
Is Kindness Physically Attractive?
Scientific American: One of the most robust findings in social psychology is the beauty-is-good stereotype:physically attractive people are perceived and treated more positively than physically unattractive people [1]. But here’s the thing: I have definitely met attractive people who went from
To Intensify an Experience, Bring a Friend
Pacific Standard: It happens all the time: You call a friend and make a date to go out to a movie. Then the two of you sit together in silence as you both keep your
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Social-Network Complexity in Humans Is Associated With the Neural Response to Social Information Sarah L. Dziura and James C. Thompson Research has suggested that with an increase
Asking Advice Makes a Good Impression
Scientific American: What do you do when you can’t figure out how to finish a tricky task at work? Or you’re lost on those back roads? Or you’re trying a new DIY project in your
Crossing Class Lines
The New York Times: In a society as unequal as ours, people tend to interact almost exclusively with people who share similar educational histories, incomes and occupations — and when they do interact with others