Want To Know When You’ll Die? Ask Your Friends
Refinery29: Your best friends know your favorite band and brunch place and exactly what movie will cheer you up. Sometimes, you may even feel like they know you better than you know yourself. Now, research suggests they
Why Are People So Annoying?
It’s human nature to want other people to think well of us. And indeed we are often called upon to put our best foot forward—highlighting our accomplishments and character traits in job interviews and on
Les tweets négatifs permettent de prédire la fréquence des attaques cardiaques (oui oui)
Slate: Dans la longue liste de corrélations en apparence absurdes entre deux phénomènes observées ces dernières années, la récente trouvaille d’une équipe de chercheurs de la Penn University restera dans les annales. En géolocalisant des
Without Friends or Family, even Extraordinary Experiences are Disappointing
Scientific American: Imagine you are with some friends at a concert, and the bouncer approaches the group and says that, because you are all looking so ravishing tonight, he’s been instructed to offer one of
Why Guilt-Prone People Aren’t ‘Team Players’
New York Magazine: A lot of us know someone who is a bit more guilt-prone than they should be, liable to nose-dive into a shame spiral over seemingly minor incidents. A new study hints at
Why a hug is good for your health
The New Zealand Herald: If you’re struggling to get your beloved under the mistletoe this year, then help is at hand. Scientists have revealed that hugging is good for our health, helping to prevent infection