Dog People vs. Cat People: Who’s More Outgoing? More Intelligent?
LiveScience: “Dog people” and “cat people” really do have different personalities, according to a new study. People who said they were dog lovers in the study tended to be more lively — meaning they were
Predicting When Employees Will Lash Out at a Nasty Boss
A mobile game series called Beat the Boss is one of the most popular items in the Google and Apple app stores. The games allow users to vent their rage toward their supervisors by engaging
Not Enough Basketballs? The Too-Much-Talent Effect
The NBA playoffs are underway, and the Miami Heat are the odds-on favorite to “three-peat.” If they do—or if they don’t for that matter—the outcome will fuel an enduring debate about how best to build
Piccole carezze ai neonati migliorano il loro sviluppo sociale (pleasant touch may promote early social development in infants)
La Stampa: Accarezzare gentilmente un neonato è importante anche per il suo sviluppo sociale e fisiologico. Lo hanno scoperto alcuni scienziati del Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences di Leipzig, Germania. A
Infants Are Sensitive to Pleasant Touch
Infants show unique physiological and behavioral responses to pleasant touch, which may help to cement the bonds between child and parent and promote early social and physiological development, according to research published in Psychological Science
Studying Contagious Yawning Might Help Us Build Better Societies
Scientific American: We often turn to dogs and to chimpanzees to understand our species. Chimpanzees are our closest relatives (with bonobos), while centuries of selective breeding have turned dogs into a species uniquely suited to