Neuroscience Explains Why the Grinch Stole Christmas
Forbes: “You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch.” But why? We all know Dr. Seuss’s iconic tale of the green ogre who lives on a mountain, seething while the Whos in the village below celebrate Christmas.
Math for baby boys
The Boston Globe: The Nuremberg Trials established that individuals cannot fall back on a claim that they were merely conforming and “following orders” to justify immoral actions. Nevertheless, a new study suggests that people consider
Kristina Olson
Yale University, USA www.yale.edu/scdlab/ What does your research focus on? My research sits at the intersection of social and developmental psychology, exploring the emergence and development of social cognition. My lab focuses on three primary
Greg Walton
Stanford University www.stanford.edu/~gwalton/home/Welcome.html What does your research focus on? One of my main interests involves how the important contents of people’s selves — like their interests, motivations, and emotions — which people tend to think
How We Assign Blame for Corporate Crimes
msnbc: Whether the public blames Wall Street or its bankers for bad decisions depends a lot on the group’s level of cohesion as well as its mindfulness, or ability to “think,” suggests a new study.
Individuals Are Removed Of Blame When In Groups
Scientific American: Groupthink is a phenomenon in which the members of a group override their individuality in favor of unanimity. Scholars have ascribed bad decision making to groupthink, for example, in U.S. policy during the