The Need to Feel Connected
The Atlantic: The need for people to feel connected runs deep. According to a study conducted at Purdue University, even the gaze of a stranger makes a difference. When strangers pass you by without acknowledging
Scaling the heights of power
The Sydney Morning Herald: Want to add a few centimetres to your stature instantly without the help of heels or a hat? Just picture yourself in a situation where you are in charge. Researchers have
Study of the Day: More Evidence That We’re a Very Needy Species
The Atlantic: PROBLEM: Psychologists already know that humans need to relate with others to be happy and that being left out can be stressful. But just how small a cue is necessary to help someone
Even Strangers Can Make You Feel Left Out
msn: The need for a connection to other people is so powerful that being ignored by a stranger can make someone feel left out, according to a new study. People need to feel they are
The Amygdala And Fear Are Not The Same Thing
In a 2007 episode of the television show Boston Legal, a character claimed to have figured out that a cop was racist because his amygdala activated – displaying fear, when they showed him pictures of
Being Ignored Hurts, Even by a Stranger
Feeling like you’re part of the gang is crucial to the human experience. All people get stressed out when we’re left out. A new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for