Employee misconduct unsettles companies
The Times of India: People often judge a ‘group’ mind differently from that of a ‘member’ which has led to the cropping up of issues like decision-making, blame and moral judgment in companies, political groups
Can Companies, Political Groups or Organizations Have a Single Mind?
News of employee misconduct always creates a whirlwind for the companies involved — think of Enron, Goldman Sachs and UBS, for example. But are these firms responsible for the actions of their employees? Or do
Women Aggressive Toward ‘Sexy’ Peers
ABC News: A new study finds women can be downright nasty when they don’t approve of members of their sex. The harsh reactions of 43 women to a provocatively dressed peer, caught on tape by
A Vaccination Against Social Prejudice
Evolutionary psychologists suspect that prejudice is rooted in survival: Our distant ancestors had to avoid outsiders who might have carried disease. Research still shows that when people feel vulnerable to illness, they exhibit more bias
How ‘Social’ Is Social Networking?
Huffington Post: I like Facebook. I’ve been signing into the site fairly regularly for a couple years now, and it has become my large extended family’s primary form of communication. It also keeps me connected
People rebel when they feel there is a way out
The Economic Times: People stuck with a rule are more likely to tolerate it than people who think the rule isn’t definite. And this could explain many things, from unrequited love to the uprisings in