Illusions Fool Even the Blind
The New York Times: That bats use echolocation to navigate and to find food is well known. But some blind people use the technique, too, clicking their tongues and snapping fingers to help identify objects.
How Blind People Use Echolocation to Get Around
New York Magazine: Echolocation — sending out a sound wave, hearing how it bounces back at you, and using that information to navigate your environment — is a technique generally associated with animals like bats and dolphins
Ces aveugles qui voient avec leurs oreilles (The blind who see with their ears)
Le Monde: La vidéo paraît presque banale. De jeunes hommes parcourent des chemins de campagne à vélo. Un autre descend la rue en skateboard. Un garçonnet lance un ballon dans un panier de basket. Douces images
Blind People Can Echolocate
Smithsonian Magazine: Like bats, some blind people utilize echolocation—bouncing sound waves off objects to locate where they are—as a means of assessing and interacting with their surroundings. To do this, some snap their fingers, while
Echolocation Acts as Substitute Sense for Blind People
Echolocation may not just help visually-impaired individuals navigate their environment, but may actually have the potential to be a complete sensory replacement for vision.
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Replicability and Robustness of Genome-Wide-Association Studies for Behavioral Traits Cornelius A. Rietveld, Dalton Conley, Nicholas Eriksson, Tonu Esko, Sarah E. Medland, Anna A. E. Vinkhuyzen, Jian Yang