New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Body Movement Selectively Shapes the Neural Representation of Musical Rhythms Baptiste Chemin, André Mouraux, and Sylvie Nozaradan Although movement is thought to shape the processing of sensory
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Social-Network Complexity in Humans Is Associated With the Neural Response to Social Information Sarah L. Dziura and James C. Thompson Research has suggested that with an increase
The Fake-Tongue Illusion
The New Yorker: The tongue in the title of Oxford University’s Crossmodal Research Laboratory’s new paper, “The Butcher’s Tongue Illusion,” does not come from a butcher shop. “I actually just ordered the most normal-looking rubber tongue
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: State and Trait Effects on Individual Differences in Children’s Mathematical Development Drew H. Bailey, Tyler W. Watts, Andrew K. Littlefield, and David C. Geary Research indicating a
Spatial Imagery Improves With Sight
Imagine a square box about the size of a soccer ball. Now imagine turning it over with your hands. It’s a task that’s easy for most people to do — indeed, we use spatial imagery
Before Crawling and Walking, Babies Need to Get the Visual Gist of Moving Forward
Infants show developmental changes in visual motion perception about one month before they first start moving around on their own, according to new research published in Psychological Science. Psychology researcher Nobu Shirai at Niigata University