Adults Value Overcoming Temptation, Kids Value Moral Purity
Is it better to struggle with moral conflict and ultimately choose to do the right thing or to do the right thing without feeling any turmoil in the first place? New research suggests that your
The Lie That Many People Who Eat Meat Tell Themselves
New York Magazine: If you ask a meat eater, “Which meat is okay to eat, and why?” most people will at least attempt to form a coherent answer couched in moral language. They’ll attempt to
The Moral Science Behind Self-Driving Cars
An interdisciplinary team of researchers are conducting experiments to learn more about how people might react to the moral quandaries posed by self-driving cars.
Remember, Money Doesn’t Have to Be the Root of All Evil
The New York Times: It may cost more than $100 million, but many social problems could be alleviated with the creative infusion of cash. Compensating organ donors could increase the supply of organs and save
Research Ethics at the Graduate Level
I followed the plight of Michael LaCour, a University of California, Los Angeles, graduate student in the political science department, almost obsessively. I first heard of LaCour’s research on one of my favorite NPR programs
Three Tactics for Tackling Unethical Behavior
Unethical behavior isn’t necessarily the price of doing business. An international research team highlights steps organizations can take to combat unethical behavior on the job.