New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on the moral psychology of AI, parenting by lying, color semantics in human cognition, and much more.
Moral Injury Is an Invisible Epidemic That Affects Millions
In early 2021 emergency room physician Torree McGowan hoped the worst of the pandemic was behind her. She and her colleagues had adapted to the COVID-causing virus, donning layers of protection before seeing each patient
Changing Perceptions About Harm Can Temper Moral Outrage
Comprehensive sex education works. Years of research show that it is much more effective than an abstinence-only approach at preventing teen pregnancy. In fact, abstinence-only programs may actually increase unplanned pregnancies and can contribute to harmful shaming and sexist attitudes.
A Gentler, Better Way to Change Minds
What is the point of arguing with someone who disagrees with you? Presumably, you would like them to change their mind. But that’s easier said than done: Research shows that changing minds, especially changing beliefs
They Say Suffering Will Make You Stronger—But It’s Not That Simple
Is suffering good for us? Does it make us better people, kinder and more resilient; does it give meaning to our lives? It would be nice if it did, particularly since so many of us
You Can’t Say That!
Many years ago, as a social psychologist specializing in gender equity, I was invited to attend a weekend workshop at the Air Force Academy. I was there to suggest ways to reduce prejudice against women