The Culturally Specific Role of Specific Episodic Memory
Cross cultural studies suggest that the positive link between detailed recall of autobiographical experiences and wellbeing may not be universal.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring creativity during mind wandering, object representation in infants’ working memory, and factors that influence cultural adaptation.
What Keeps Some Presidents Carved into Our Memories While Others Are Forgotten
Memory research explains why a few US presidents remain so profound in the national consciousness while most others are destined to fade from our collective memory.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring income inequality and racial bias, support for resettling refugees, and self-referential stimuli in working memory.
A Simple Way to Better Remember Things: Draw a Picture
If you have a pen and paper handy, let’s do a little experiment. Picture a cashew. Now pick up your pen and draw a little sketch of one, then put the drawing face down somewhere
Are you paying attention?
Earlier this summer, our team had the opportunity to join the Association for Psychological Science’s annual conference in San Francisco. And while we were there, we got to talk to a few psychologists about the