The New Yorker: One Sunday night in March, 1985, Michele Murray, a sophomore at Texas Tech University, tried to find a parking space near her dorm. In the preceding months, four women had been raped
Speed Reading Promises Are Too Good to Be True, Scientists Find
There is little scientific evidence to suggest that speed reading offers a shortcut to understanding lots of text.
5 Ways to Maintain Your Vacation Happiness
U.S. News & World Report: After returning from a great trip – be it a quick coastal getaway or a more far-flung retreat – it’s easy to reminisce about our most remarkable travel moments. Whether
Testing and Spacing Both Aid Memory
Research suggests that restudying material can be a useful learning strategy, especially if that restudying is spaced out in time.
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: When Delays Improve Memory: Stabilizing Memory in Children May Require Time Kevin P. Darby and Vladimir M. Sloutsky The learning of new information often reduces memory for
Satiated, Stuffed, and Spatially Impaired?
A few days of high-fat, high-sugar eating — say, Thanksgiving followed by a weeks’ worth of leftovers — may impair a specific cognitive function: spatial recognition.