Why Countries Invest Differently In Environmental Issues
NPR: Across the world, countries make very different investments in the environment. We’re not just talking about measures to combat global climate change. We’re talking about investments in clean water, forests, biodiversity. NPR’s social science
To Boost Concern for the Environment, Emphasize a Long Future, Not Impending Doom
Researchers find that one strong way to encourage environmentally-friendly behavior is to emphasize the long life expectancy of a nation, and not necessarily its imminent downfall.
“Please Feed Me”: The Power of Putting a Human Face on Social Causes
Companies often put a personal face on products to connect with consumers. The same idea may also work for social causes, like recycling and energy conservation, according to a series of studies.
How Everyday Ergonomics Shape Your Behavior
Fast Company: One of Darwin’s greatest insights came at the end of his 1872 work, The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. “The free expression by outward signs of an emotion intensifies it,”
Integrative Science Featured at European Conferences
Annual Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology The 18th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP) was held August 29–September 1 in Budapest. The meeting featured a joint APS/ESCoP preconference
What We Know Now: How Psychological Science Has Changed Over a Quarter Century
This article is part of a series commemorating APS’s 25th anniversary in 2013. Psychological science has experienced an unprecedented period of growth and advancement during the last 25 years. Since APS was formed in 1988