Visual Exposure Predicts Infants’ Ability to Follow Another’s Gaze
Following another person’s gaze can reveal a wealth of information critical to social interactions and also to safety. Gaze following typically emerges in infancy, and new research looking at preterm infants suggests that it’s visual
Inclusion Affects Language Skills of Preschoolers With Disabilities
Education Week: The “peer effect” of attending preschool with children who have strong language skills offered a benefit to students with disabilities, according to a study of more than 600 children conducted by researchers at Ohio State
The Science of Fatherhood
MPR News: Parenting is hard work – we’ve always known that. There are major biological and life changes that occur when you welcome a baby into your home. Social scientists, however, have been taking a
Brains At Play
NPR: This week at NPR Ed, our series Playing To Learn will explore questions about why people play and how play relates to learning. Why do we humans like to play so much? Play sports, play tag, play
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Young Children Bet on Their Numerical Skills: Metacognition in the Numerical Domain Vy A. Vo, Rosa Li, Nate Kornell, Alexandre Pouget, and Jessica F. Cantlon Although metacognition
When Kids Start Playing To Win
NPR: This week, NPR Ed is focusing on questions about why people play and how play relates to learning. It’s a playful word that’s developed something of a bad reputation: “competition.” The fear among some parents is