Anne Treisman, 1935-2018
APS Past Secretary and William James Fellow Anne Treisman, who developed a classic psychological model of human visual attention, has died.
I have 1,605 Facebook friends. Why do I feel so alone?
My name is Hadiya. And sometimes, I feel lonely. Even the people who know me best would be astounded by that assertion. Most people would label me an extrovert. I am confident. I have no
‘All-or-Nothing’ Thinking More Common in People with Anxiety, Depression, and Suicidal Ideation
Research shows a link between one’s tendency to view life in extremes can identify cognitive processes linked with psychological disorders and suicide risk.
People Rationalize Policies as Soon as They Take Effect
Findings from three field studies indicate that people report more favorable opinions about policies and politicians once they become the status quo.
A Brain Implant Improved Memory, Scientists Report
Scientists have developed a brain implant that noticeably boosted memory in its first serious test run, perhaps offering a promising new strategy to treat dementia, traumatic brain injuries and other conditions that damage memory. The
Talking with—Not Just to—Kids Powers How They Learn Language
Children from the poorer strata of society begin life not only with material disadvantages but cognitive ones. Decades of research have confirmed this, including a famous 1995 finding by psychologists Betty Hart and Todd Risley