Want to Make a Change? Conjure Your ‘Possible Selves.’
Years ago, as a young business reporter, I interviewed an advertising executive who ran a fast-food chain account. I was there to ask about the latest campaign. But when I sat down, he wanted to talk
Back Page: Singular Sensation
Clinical psychologist Dominika Ochnik discusses her research into singlehood and well-being, mental health risks among young people, and her plans to study associations between urbanization and mental health.
Presenting Information About Mental Health in a Second Language Could Help Counter Cultural Norms Against Treatment
Bilingual people from cultural backgrounds in which mental health is a taboo topic may be more open to treatment when they hear information in their second language.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on system-centered care, adolescent social communication through smartphones, promoting equity in the United States, the clinical utility of the HiTOP system, and much more.
Want to Avoid a Heated Argument? This Trick Could Help
Debate a friend about vaccines, politics, or even who’ll win the Super Bowl this year, and it rarely ends well. Each of you is so entrenched in your positions—and so sure of your convictions—that the
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on the importance of independent empirical evidence, mapping racial/ethnic disparities in youth psychiatric emergencies, the effects collective trauma, and much more.