Why Children Learn Better Than Adults
Young children seem uniquely, insatiably, marvelously curious, even at risk of life and limb. You might think that this drive to explore helps children to learn so much so quickly. But is it really true
NSF Grant Submission Deadlines
Psychological scientists looking to apply for funding from the US National Science Foundation may be interested in upcoming 2021 deadlines.
Cattell Fund Recipients Chase Big Breakthroughs
Kerry Jordan, Kimberly Noble, and Elizabeth Ann Simpson are the 2021–2022 awardees.
Sandra Wood Scarr, 1936–2021
APS Past President Sandra Wood Scarr, a pioneer in the study of intellectual development and a 1993 recipient of the APS James McKeen Cattell Award, died on October 8, 2021.
How a Facebook Whistle-Blower Is Stoking the Kids’ Screen Time Debate
The latest burst of recriminations directed at social media emphasizes the harm that can be done to teenagers. Frances Haugen, a former Facebook Inc. product manager turned whistle-blower, says executives at Facebook are aware of
Facebook’s Own Data is Not as Conclusive as You Think About Teens and Mental Health
On Tuesday, Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen testified before a Senate panel. The hearing’s focus was advertised as “protecting kids online.” … Researchers have worked for decades to tease out the relationship between teen media use